Elm Town 49 – Sixteen 3D Spinners Should Be Enough For Most People

APRIL 2ND, 2020
Ian Mackenzie shares the history of elm-geometry, elm-units and elm-3d-scene, and how he hopes to one day see them used to design a world-championship-winning robot – or a skyscraper.


Ian Mackenzie shares the history of elm-geometry, elm-units and elm-3d-scene, and how he hopes to one day see them used to design a world-championship-winning robot – or a skyscraper. Thank you to our sponsor, [Culture Amp](https://cultureamp.com/jobs). Special thanks to Xavier Ho ([@Xavier_Ho](https://twitter.com/Xavier_Ho)) for editing and production of this episode! **Recording date:** 18 Mar 2020 ## Guest - Ian Mackenzie ([@ianemackenzie](https://twitter.com/ianemackenzie)) ## Show Notes 00:00:00 **Intro and sponsors** 00:01:05 **elm-geometry and elm-3d-scene** * [elm-geometry](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/ianmackenzie/elm-geometry/latest/) (Elm Packages) * [elm-3d-scene](https://github.com/ianmackenzie/elm-3d-scene) (GitHub) * ["A 3D rendering engine for Elm" at elm-conf 2019](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Htqc64s5qYU) (YouTube) 00:02:02 **How Ian got into Elm** * [FIRST Robotics Competition](https://www.firstinspires.org/robotics/frc) * [“Now you're thinking in functions" at elm-europe 2018](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4fuVJNnQoo) (YouTube) * [Dart](https://dart.dev) * [dart-sass](https://sass-lang.com/dart-sass) * [V8 JavaScript Engine](https://v8.dev) * [Flutter](https://flutter.dev) * [Qt](https://www.qt.io) * [2008 World Championship – 1114 Simbotics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYNEAL_dK6I) * [Arup](https://www.arup.com) (website) * [MassMotion crowd simulation software](https://www.oasys-software.com/products/pedestrian-simulation/massmotion/) * [elm-units](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/ianmackenzie/elm-units/latest/) (Elm Packages) 00:19:18 **API design lessons from elm-geometry** * [“Now you're thinking in functions" at elm-europe 2018](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4fuVJNnQoo) (YouTube) * [Matthieu Pizenberg](https://matthieu.pizenberg.fr/about-me/) (website) * [Martin Stewart](https://tretton37.com/meet/martin-stewart) (Tretton37) * [Joël Quenneville](https://twitter.com/joelquen) (Twitter) 00:30:37 **elm-3d-scene** * [elm-3d-scene](https://github.com/ianmackenzie/elm-3d-scene) (GitHub) * ["A 3D rendering engine for Elm" at elm-conf 2019](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Htqc64s5qYU) (YouTube) 00:37:46 **Ambient lighting** 00:44:50 **Transparency and graphics programming hacks** 00:46:50 **Real-world vs screen units** 00:48:23 **Creating a generic framework** 00:49:55 **What's left before 1.0** * [Contributing to elm-3d-scene](https://github.com/ianmackenzie/elm-3d-scene#contributing) (GitHub) 00:53:37 **Using elm-3d-scene today** 00:55:02 **Thankyous & Outro**
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