Elm Town 45 - It Started Off As A Morning Book

MAY 22ND, 2019
Jeremy Fairbank, the author of “Programming Elm” (Pragmatic Programmers), visits Elm Town to talk about his new book and how it teaches Elm, and about writing tech books in general.


Jeremy Fairbank, the author of “Programming Elm” (Pragmatic Programmers), visits Elm Town to talk about his new book and how it teaches Elm, and about writing tech books in general. Thank you to our sponsors, [Ellie](https://ellie-app.com), [Culture Amp](https://cultureamp.com/jobs) and [Joel Clermont](https://twitter.com/jclermont). Special thanks to Xavier Ho ([@Xavier_Ho](https://twitter.com/Xavier_Ho)) for editing and production of this episode! **Recording date:** 4 May 2019 ## Guests - Jeremy Fairbank ([@elpapapollo](https://twitter.com/elpapapollo)) ## Show Notes 00:00:00 **Introduction** - [Programming Elm (website)](https://programming-elm.com) - [Programming Elm (book)](https://pragprog.com/book/jfelm/programming-elm) - [Test Double](https://testdouble.com) 00:00:51 **Sponsors** - [Ellie](https://ellie-app.com) - [Culture Amp](https://cultureamp.com/jobs) - [Joel Clermont](https://twitter.com/jclermont) 00:02:16 **How Jeremy got started in Elm and writing books** - [Solving the Boolean Identity Crisis (elm-conf 2017)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Af1bh-BVY8) - [Toward a Better Front End Architecture: Elm (Codemash 2017)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDp6UmaA9CM) 00:05:55 **Elm as a hobby, writing things polished enough for yourself** 00:07:46 **Using Elm in Production and client stories** - [Richard Feldman’s elm-spa-example](https://github.com/rtfeldman/elm-spa-example) 00:10:55 **Experience as a technical book writer** 00:13:16 **Teaching patterns progressively** 00:16:00 **Writing hard chapters as Elm 0.19 comes out** 00:17:53 **Writing books assuming reader has no Internet** 00:20:25 **Test driven development and type systems** 00:24:40 **Writing is lonely / thank you Emily** 00:27:27 **Editor relationship and learning from them** 00:29:18 **Deciding where the end goal should be for a beginner's book** 00:31:34 **Sequel or cookbook for the Elm community** - [elm-css](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/rtfeldman/elm-css/latest) - [elm-ui](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/mdgriffith/elm-ui/latest/) 00:34:01 **Modelling transition states** 00:35:13 **Ports and subscriptions / web sockets chapter** 00:39:46 **Fuzzing and testing** 00:42:25 **Thank you, good bye and how to get the book**
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