Elm Town 77 – Breaking your brain with Andrey Kuzmin
JUNE 25TH, 2024
From translating imperative physics into Elm and building 3D interactive tools at work to adding Elm support to Zed and animating the Elm Town logo, Andrey Kuzmin never fails to break your brain.
From translating imperative physics into Elm and building 3D interactive tools at work to adding Elm support to Zed and animating the Elm Town logo, Andrey Kuzmin never fails to break your brain.
Thanks to our sponsor, Logistically. Email: elmtown@logisticallyinc.com.
Music by Jesse Moore.
Recording date: 2024.05.16
Show notes
[00:00:19] Sponsored by Logistically
[00:00:42] Introducing Andrey
- Mogee
- "Mogee or how we fit Elm in a 64×64 grid" by Andrey Kuzmin at elm-conf 2017
- w0rm/elm-pool
- elm-explorations/webgl
- w0rm/elm-physics
- w0rm/elm-obj-file
- elm-language-server
- Zed
[00:02:04] Favorite concert
[00:05:41] Getting started in programming
[00:08:53] Discovering Elm through Dan Abramov
[00:15:04] Applying knowledge from Elm in React
[00:22:03] Elm at work (Arrival)
- Transparency support in Ian Mackenzie's elm-3d-scene
[00:25:31] Consuming-facing work and opening up to other languages
[00:34:09] Interpreting code via the brain
- Andrey on Twitter
- w0rm/elm-physics
- embedded-mogeefont Rust crate
- Cubik
- Physically simulated dice roller!
[00:39:48] Designing APIs
- API design sessions with Evan on webgl.
- Start at 1:02:46 for some general docs tips.
- w0rm/elm-obj-file
[00:48:48] Presenting at an Elm Japan meetup in Japanese
[00:52:11] Elm Town 3D logo animation
- https://elm.town
- Matthew Griffith's elm-animator
- Matthew Griffith's elm-ui
- Dillon Kearns' elm-pages
- Ian Mackenzie's elm-3d-scene and related packages
- Maggie Appleton
[00:56:48] Picks
Andrey's picks
- Model things in Elm
- Make games in Elm