Elm Town 68 – Shared joy with Mario Rogic

OCTOBER 31ST, 2023
Mario Rogic shares his journeys, both physically around the world and strategically, as he built & rebuilt Lamdera.


Mario Rogic shares his journeys, both physically around the world and strategically, as he built & rebuilt Lamdera.

Thanks to our sponsor, Logistically. Email: elmtown@logisticallyinc.com.

Music by Jesse Moore.

Recording date: 2023.09.08


Show notes

[00:00:25] Sponsored by Logistically

[00:01:00] Introducing Mario

[00:02:22] Parallel synchronized travel

[00:10:25] Out of the blockchain

[00:13:52] How Adventure Presenter led to Lamdera

[00:18:31] More about the Haskell version with Filip Haglund

[00:28:13] Communicating the benefits of Lamdera

[00:42:02] What's up next with Lamdera?

[00:54:39] LEGO Loco Lamdera

[00:57:03] Shared joy in things made on Lamdera

[00:58:33] Reflections on Elm Camp

[01:02:58] Stoked to see all the cool stuff in the community

[01:07:34] Picks

Mario's picks

Jared's pick

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