Navigated to Elm Town 57 – Brilliant ways to use Elm

Elm Town 57 – Brilliant ways to use Elm

MAY 30TH, 2023
Aaron Strick shares what it was like learning Elm at NoRedInk, and explains some of the "zany" (delightful) ways Elm is used at Brilliant.


Aaron Strick shares what it was like learning Elm at NoRedInk, and explains some of the "zany" (delightful) ways Elm is used at Brilliant.

Thanks to our sponsor, Logistically. Email:

Intro music by Jesse Moore.
Outro music (The Elm Song) by Matt Farley. (Commissioned by Michael Glass for elm-conf 2019.)

Recording date: 2023.03.10


Show notes

[00:00:56] Introducing Aaron Strick

[00:01:47] An eclectic background

[00:05:12] The impetus for Aaron's journey into computers

[00:07:10] Learning Elm at NoRedInk

[00:10:32] What Aaron likes about Elm

[00:13:27] Challenges when learning Elm as first functional language

[00:19:33] Mentors at NoRedInk

[00:23:26] Richard gives us a memorable moment from NoRedInk

[00:27:27] Benefits of the holistic approach

[00:30:18] Brilliant ways to use Elm

[00:52:56] Using elm-pages to build

[00:59:02] Picks

Aaron's picks

Jared's picks

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© 2024 Jared M. Smith